
190 lines
5.6 KiB

package ui
import (
tcell ""
const noHistoryIndexSelected = -1
// CommandView contains a simple textview for output and an input field for
// input. All commands are added to the history when confirmed via enter.
type CommandView struct {
commandOutput *tview.TextView
commandInput *Editor
// commandHistoryIndex is the current index cycling through the history.
// -1 means that no index is selected.
commandHistoryIndex int
// commandHistory is just a flat array of text that the user has sent.
// The more recent ones are on the right side of the array.
commandHistory []string
onExecuteCommand func(command string)
// NewCommandView creates a new struct containing the components necessary
// for a command view. It also contains the state for those components.
func NewCommandView(app *tview.Application, onExecuteCommand func(command string)) *CommandView {
commandOutput := tview.NewTextView()
SetText("[::b]### Welcome back. ###\n If you need to know more, run the [::b]man[::-] command.\n").
commandInput := NewEditor(app)
cmdView := &CommandView{
commandOutput: commandOutput,
commandInput: commandInput,
commandHistoryIndex: noHistoryIndexSelected,
commandHistory: make([]string, 0),
onExecuteCommand: onExecuteCommand,
return cmdView
// SetInputCaptureForInput defines the input capture for the input component of
// the command view while prioritizing the predefined handler before passing the
// event to the externally specified handler.
func (cmdView *CommandView) SetInputCaptureForInput(handler func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey) {
cmdView.commandInput.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey {
passedEvent := cmdView.handleInput(event)
if passedEvent == nil {
return nil
return handler(passedEvent)
// SetInputCaptureForOutput defines the input capture for the output component
// of the command view while prioritizing the predefined handler before passing
// the event to the externally specified handler.
func (cmdView *CommandView) SetInputCaptureForOutput(handler func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey) {
func (cmdView *CommandView) handleInput(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey {
if event.Modifiers() == tcell.ModNone {
if event.Key() == tcell.KeyPgUp {
handler := cmdView.commandOutput.InputHandler()
handler(tcell.NewEventKey(tcell.KeyPgUp, 0, tcell.ModNone), nil)
return nil
if event.Key() == tcell.KeyPgDn {
handler := cmdView.commandOutput.InputHandler()
handler(tcell.NewEventKey(tcell.KeyPgDn, 0, tcell.ModNone), nil)
return nil
if event.Key() == tcell.KeyEnter {
//We are resetting the index whenever hitting enter, no matter
//whether the command itself was run successfully or not.
//So that when you cycle up again, you'll be at the most recent command,
//meaning the one that you just entered.
cmdView.commandHistoryIndex = noHistoryIndexSelected
command := cmdView.commandInput.GetText()
if command == "" {
return nil
cmdView.commandHistory = append(cmdView.commandHistory, command)
return nil
if event.Key() == tcell.KeyDown {
if cmdView.commandHistoryIndex > len(cmdView.commandHistory)-1 {
cmdView.commandHistoryIndex = 0
} else {
if cmdView.commandHistoryIndex > len(cmdView.commandHistory)-1 {
return nil
if event.Key() == tcell.KeyUp {
if cmdView.commandHistoryIndex < 0 {
cmdView.commandHistoryIndex = len(cmdView.commandHistory) - 1
} else {
if cmdView.commandHistoryIndex < 0 {
return nil
if event.Modifiers() == tcell.ModCtrl {
if event.Key() == tcell.KeyUp {
handler := cmdView.commandOutput.InputHandler()
handler(tcell.NewEventKey(tcell.KeyUp, 0, tcell.ModNone), nil)
return nil
if event.Key() == tcell.KeyDown {
handler := cmdView.commandOutput.InputHandler()
handler(tcell.NewEventKey(tcell.KeyDown, 0, tcell.ModNone), nil)
return nil
return event
// GetCommandInputWidget returns the component that can be added to the layout
// for the users command input.
func (cmdView *CommandView) GetCommandInputWidget() *tview.TextView {
return cmdView.commandInput.internalTextView
// GetCommandOutputWidget is the component that can be added to the layout
// for the users command output.
func (cmdView *CommandView) GetCommandOutputWidget() *tview.TextView {
return cmdView.commandOutput
// SetVisible sets the given visible state to both the input component and
// the output component
func (cmdView *CommandView) SetVisible(visible bool) {
// Write lets us implement the io.Writer interface. Tab characters will be
// replaced with TabSize space characters. A "\n" or "\r\n" will be interpreted
// as a new line.
func (cmdView *CommandView) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = cmdView.commandOutput.Write(p)
if err == nil {