
543 lines
15 KiB

package ui
import (
_ ""
func TestParseBoldAndUnderline(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
input string
want string
name: "Simple bold",
input: "**Hallo Welt**",
want: "[::b]Hallo Welt[::-]",
name: "Useless bold",
input: "****Hallo Welt",
want: "****Hallo Welt",
name: "Non closed bold",
input: "**Hallo Welt",
want: "**Hallo Welt",
name: "Bold newline",
input: "**Hallo\nWelt**",
want: "[::b]Hallo\n[::b]Welt[::-]",
name: "Bold newline2",
input: "Hallo**\nWelt**",
want: "Hallo[::b]\n[::b]Welt[::-]",
name: "Bold newline3",
input: "Hal**lo\nWelt**",
want: "Hal[::b]lo\n[::b]Welt[::-]",
name: "Simple underline",
input: "__Hallo Welt__",
want: "[::u]Hallo Welt[::-]",
name: "Useless underline",
input: "____Hallo Welt",
want: "____Hallo Welt",
name: "Non closed underline",
input: "__Hallo Welt",
want: "__Hallo Welt",
name: "Underline newline",
input: "__Hallo\nWelt__",
want: "[::u]Hallo\n[::u]Welt[::-]",
name: "Underline newline2",
input: "Hallo__\nWelt__",
want: "Hallo[::u]\n[::u]Welt[::-]",
name: "Underline newline3",
input: "Hal__lo\nWelt__",
want: "Hal[::u]lo\n[::u]Welt[::-]",
name: "Underline and bold",
input: "**__Hallo Welt__**",
want: "[::b][::bu]Hallo Welt[::b][::-]",
name: "Underline and bold2",
input: "** OwO__Hallo Welt__**",
want: "[::b] OwO[::bu]Hallo Welt[::b][::-]",
name: "Underline and bold3",
input: "** OwO__Hallo Welt__** What",
want: "[::b] OwO[::bu]Hallo Welt[::b][::-] What",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := parseBoldAndUnderline(tt.input); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("ParseBoldAndUnderline() = '%v', want '%v'", got, tt.want)
func TestChatView_formatMessageText(t *testing.T) {
defaultChatView := &ChatView{
showSpoilerContent: make(map[string]bool),
state: &discordgo.State{},
shortenLinks: false,
tests := []struct {
name string
input *discordgo.Message
want string
chatView *ChatView
name: "empty message",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "",
want: "",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "super simple message",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "simple",
want: "simple",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "super simple multiline message",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "simple\nsimple",
want: "simple\nsimple",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple bold message",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "**simple**",
want: "[::b]simple[::-]",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple underlined message",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "__simple__",
want: "[::u]simple[::-]",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple message with bold part",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "a **simple** b",
want: "a [::b]simple[::-] b",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple message with underlined part",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "a __simple__ b",
want: "a [::u]simple[::-] b",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple message with bold and underlined part",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "a **__simple__** b",
want: "a [::b][::bu]simple[::b][::-] b",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple message with bold and partially underlined part",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "a **fat__simple__fat** b",
want: "a [::b]fat[::bu]simple[::b]fat[::-] b",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple message with underlined and partially bold part",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "a __underline**fat**underline__ b",
want: "a [::u]underline[::ub]fat[::u]underline[::-] b",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple message with underlined and unclosed bold part",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "a __underline**fatunderline__ b",
want: "a [::u]underline**fatunderline[::-] b",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple spoiler",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "||simple||",
want: "[" + tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().AttentionColor) + "]!SPOILER![#ffffff]",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple spoiler in between",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "gimme ||simple|| pls",
want: "gimme [" + tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().AttentionColor) + "]!SPOILER![#ffffff] pls",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "formatted spoiler in between",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "gimme ||**simple**|| pls",
want: "gimme [" + tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().AttentionColor) + "]!SPOILER![#ffffff] pls",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "formatted spoiler in between",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "gimme ||**simple**|| pls",
want: "gimme [" + tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().AttentionColor) + "]!SPOILER![#ffffff] pls",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "unclosed spoiler",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "owo ||spoiler",
want: "owo ||spoiler",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "spoiler with formatting around",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "gimme **||simple||** pls",
//FIXME Not sure whether this is correct, but it's the
//current state, so i'll be specifying it for now.
want: "gimme [::b][" + tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().AttentionColor) + "]!SPOILER![#ffffff][::-] pls",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "codeblock without specified language",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "```\none\ntwo\nthree\n```",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]one\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]two\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]three",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "one line codeblock with text around",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "test\n```\none\n```\ntest",
want: "test\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]one\ntest",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "one line codeblock with text around, but without newlines in between",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "test```\none\n```test",
want: "test\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]one\ntest",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "codeblock at start of message",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "```\none\n```test",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]one\ntest",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple oneline codeblock with language",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "```go\none\n```",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#efef8b]one",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple oneline codeblock without language",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "```\none\n```",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]one",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple oneline codeblock with nonexistent language",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "```owowhatsthis\none\n```",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]one",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple oneline codeblock with cpp as language",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "```cpp\none\n```",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]one[#ffffff]",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "simple oneline codeblock with cpp as language and some unnecessary trailing newlines",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "```cpp\none\n\n\n```",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]one[#ffffff]\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "two simple oneline codeblocks without language after another",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "```\none\n```\n```\none\n```",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]one\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]one",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "codeblock with spoiler inside",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "```\nowo ||Spoiler|| owo\n```",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]owo ||Spoiler|| owo",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "codeblock with bold text inside",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "```\nowo **bold** owo\n```",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]owo **bold** owo",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "codeblock with underlined text inside",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "```\nowo __underline__ owo\n```",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]owo __underline__ owo",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "codeblock with spoiler around",
input: &discordgo.Message{
Content: "||```\nowo\n```||",
want: "[" + tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().AttentionColor) + "]!SPOILER![#ffffff]",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "codeblock with revelaed spoiler around",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "||```\nowo\n```||",
want: "||\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]owo\n||",
chatView: &ChatView{
showSpoilerContent: map[string]bool{
"OwO": true,
state: &discordgo.State{},
shortenLinks: false,
}, {
name: "two codeblocks without newlines but character inbeteween",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "```\nowo\n```f```\nowo\n```",
want: "\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]owo\nf\n[#c9dddc]▐ [#ffffff]owo",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "Remove escape characters",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "\\`\\*\\_",
want: "`*_",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "Remove escape characters, but not any additional backslashes",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "\\\\`\\*\\_",
want: "\\`*_",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "single custom emoji",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "<:owo:123>",
want: "[owo[]( )",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "single animated custom emoji",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "<a:owo:123>",
want: "[a:owo[]( )",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
//FIXME Remove space, it's useless
name: "two custom emoji without space",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "<:owo:123><:owo:123>",
want: "[owo[]( )\n [owo[]( )",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
//FIXME Remove space, it's useless
name: "two custom emoji with space",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "<:owo:123> <:owo:123>",
want: "[owo[]( )\n [owo[]( )",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
//FIXME Remove space, it's useless
name: "multiple successive emoji without spaces",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "<:owo:123><:owo:124><:owo:125><:owo:126>",
want: "[owo[]( )\n [owo[]( )\n [owo[]( )\n [owo[]( )",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
//FIXME Remove space, it's useless
name: "multiple successive emoji with spaces",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "<:owo:123> <:owo:124> <:owo:125> <:owo:126>",
want: "[owo[]( )\n [owo[]( )\n [owo[]( )\n [owo[]( )",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
//FIXME Remove spaces behind prefix and suffix of emoji
name: "message with custom emoji",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "Look, <:owo:123> what's this?",
want: "Look, \n[owo[]( )\n what's this?",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
//FIXME Remove spaces behind prefix and suffix of emoji
name: "message with multiple custom emoji with spaces",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "Look, <:owo:123> <:owo:123> what's this?",
want: "Look, \n[owo[]( )\n [owo[]( )\n what's this?",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
//FIXME Remove spaces behind prefix and suffix of emoji
name: "message with multiple custom emoji without spaces",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "Look, <:owo:123><:owo:123> what's this?",
want: "Look, \n[owo[]( )\n [owo[]( )\n what's this?",
chatView: defaultChatView,
}, {
name: "message with custom animated emoji",
input: &discordgo.Message{
ID: "OwO",
Content: "Hello <a:owo:123>",
want: "Hello \n[a:owo[]( )",
chatView: defaultChatView,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := tt.chatView.formatMessageText(tt.input); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("ChatView.formatMessageText() = '%v', want: '%v'", got, tt.want)
func Test_removeLeadingWhitespaceInCode(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
code string
want string
name: "no whitespace; single line",
code: "1",
want: "1",
}, {
name: "no whitespace; two lines",
code: "1\n2",
want: "1\n2",
}, {
name: "single space on single line",
code: " 1",
want: "1",
}, {
name: "two spaces on single line",
code: " 1",
want: "1",
}, {
name: "multiple spaces on single line",
code: " 1",
want: "1",
}, {
name: "multiple spaces on multiple lines with different amounts",
code: " 1\n 2\n 3",
want: " 1\n 2\n3",
}, {
name: "single tab on single line",
code: " 1",
want: "1",
}, {
name: "single tab on multiple lines",
code: " 1\n 2",
want: "1\n2",
}, {
name: "multiple tabs on multiple lines",
code: " 1\n 2",
want: "1\n2",
}, {
name: "multiple tabs on multiple lines; each line different tab amount",
code: " 1\n 2",
want: " 1\n2",
}, {
name: "only one line with a tab",
code: " 1\n2",
want: " 1\n2",
}, {
name: "multiple tabs on single line",
code: " 1",
want: "1",
}, {
name: "mixed tabs and spaces of multiple lines",
code: " 1\n 2\n 3",
want: " 1\n 2\n 3",
}, {
name: "multiple lines with an empty line in between",
code: " 1\n\n 2\n 3",
want: "1\n\n2\n3",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := removeLeadingWhitespaceInCode(tt.code); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("removeLeadingWhitespaceInCode() = '%v', want '%v'", got, tt.want)