
158 lines
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Executable File

# This tiny script helps me not to mess up the procedure of releasing a new
# version of cordless.
# Build dependencies:
# * sha256sum
# * envsubst
# * git
# * date
# * go
# While this script runs on Linux, it creates binaries for Linux, Windows and
# MacOS. On top of that, new manifests for brew and scoop are created.
# The binaries get pushed into a new GitHub release, using the previous commits
# as the tag message. The scoop and brew manifests have to be uplaod manually.
# This will cause a script failure in case any of the commands below fail.
set -e
# RELEASE_DATE is the current date in format Year-Month-Day, since cordless
# uses dates for versioning.
RELEASE_DATE="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
# Setting the cordless version-number to the current release date.
# This number can be requested on startup and is only used for that purpose.
# This has to happen before building, since version numbers are incorrect otherwise.
envsubst < version.go_template > version/version.go
git commit version/version.go -m "Bump cordless versionnumber to version $RELEASE_DATE"
# Define executable names for later usage.
# Building cordless for darwin, linux and windows.
# The binaries are built without debug symbols in order to save filesize.
GOOS=linux go build -o $BIN_LINUX -ldflags="-s -w"
GOOS=darwin go build -o $BIN_DARWIN -ldflags="-s -w"
GOOS=windows go build -o $BIN_WINDOWS_64 -ldflags="-s -w"
GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build -o $BIN_WINDOWS_32 -ldflags="-s -w"
# EXE_HASH is sha256 of the previously built cordless.exe and is required
# for scoop to properly work.
# Since envsubst can not see the unexported variables, we export them here
# and unexport them at a later point and time.
EXE_64_HASH="$(sha256sum ./$BIN_WINDOWS_64 | cut -f 1 -d " ")"
export EXE_64_HASH
EXE_32_HASH="$(sha256sum ./$BIN_WINDOWS_32 | cut -f 1 -d " ")"
export EXE_32_HASH
# Substituting the variables in the scoop manifest template into the actual
# manifest.
envsubst < cordless.json_template > cordless.json
# Create a new tag and push it.
git tag -s "$RELEASE_DATE"
# Copies the changelog for pasting into the github release. The changes will
# include all commits between the latest and the previous tag.
RELEASE_BODY="$(git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit "$(git describe --abbrev=0 "$(git describe --abbrev=0)"^)".."$(git describe --abbrev=0)")"
# Push both previously created commits and the tag.
# We push as late as possible, to avoid pushing with
# errors happening afterwards.
git push --follow-tags
# Temporarily disable that the script exists on subcommand failure.
set +e
# Look up the release to create and save whether the lookup was successful.
# This has to be manually saved due to the fact that the next `set -e` would
# reset the `$?` variable.
hub release show "$RELEASE_DATE"
# Let script exit again on subcommand failure.
set -e
# If the release already exists, we edit the existing one instead of creating a
# new one.
if [ $RELEASE_EXISTS -eq 0 ]
hub release edit -a "$BIN_LINUX" -a "$BIN_DARWIN" -a "$BIN_WINDOWS_64" -a "$BIN_WINDOWS_32" -m "" -m "${RELEASE_BODY}" "$RELEASE_DATE"
hub release create -a "$BIN_LINUX" -a "$BIN_DARWIN" -a "$BIN_WINDOWS_64" -a "$BIN_WINDOWS_32" -m "${RELEASE_DATE}" -m "${RELEASE_BODY}" "$RELEASE_DATE"
# Substitutes the manifest template for the homebrew package. We need to
# download the latest tarball in order to get its sha256 sum.
TAR_HASH="$(sha256sum ./$RELEASE_DATE.tar.gz | cut -f 1 -d " ")"
export TAR_HASH
rm ./$RELEASE_DATE.tar.gz
envsubst < cordless.rb_template > cordless.rb
# Unsetting (and unexporting) previously exported environment variables.
unset EXE_64_HASH
unset EXE_32_HASH
unset TAR_HASH