
207 lines
4.7 KiB

package femto
import (
tcell ""
func min(a, b int) int {
if a <= b {
return a
return b
func visualToCharPos(visualIndex int, lineN int, str string, buf *Buffer, colorscheme Colorscheme, tabsize int) (int, int, *tcell.Style) {
charPos := 0
var lineIdx int
var lastWidth int
var style *tcell.Style
var width int
var rw int
for i, c := range str {
if width >= visualIndex {
return charPos, visualIndex - lastWidth, style
if i != 0 {
lineIdx += rw
lastWidth = width
rw = 0
if c == '\t' {
rw = tabsize - (lineIdx % tabsize)
width += rw
} else {
rw = runewidth.RuneWidth(c)
width += rw
return -1, -1, style
type Char struct {
visualLoc Loc
realLoc Loc
char rune
// The actual character that is drawn
// This is only different from char if it's for example hidden character
drawChar rune
style tcell.Style
width int
type CellView struct {
lines [][]*Char
func (c *CellView) Draw(buf *Buffer, colorscheme Colorscheme, top, height, left, width int) {
if width <= 0 {
matchingBrace := Loc{-1, -1}
// bracePairs is defined in buffer.go
if buf.Settings["matchbrace"].(bool) {
for _, bp := range bracePairs {
curX := buf.Cursor.X
curLoc := buf.Cursor.Loc
if buf.Settings["matchbraceleft"].(bool) {
if curX > 0 {
curLoc = curLoc.Move(-1, buf)
r := buf.Cursor.RuneUnder(curX)
if r == bp[0] || r == bp[1] {
matchingBrace = buf.FindMatchingBrace(bp, curLoc)
tabsize := int(buf.Settings["tabsize"].(float64))
softwrap := buf.Settings["softwrap"].(bool)
indentrunes := []rune(buf.Settings["indentchar"].(string))
// if empty indentchar settings, use space
if indentrunes == nil || len(indentrunes) == 0 {
indentrunes = []rune{' '}
indentchar := indentrunes[0]
c.lines = make([][]*Char, 0)
viewLine := 0
lineN := top
curStyle := defStyle
for viewLine < height {
if lineN >= len(buf.lines) {
lineStr := buf.Line(lineN)
line := []rune(lineStr)
colN, startOffset, startStyle := visualToCharPos(left, lineN, lineStr, buf, colorscheme, tabsize)
if colN < 0 {
colN = len(line)
viewCol := -startOffset
if startStyle != nil {
curStyle = *startStyle
// We'll either draw the length of the line, or the width of the screen
// whichever is smaller
lineLength := min(StringWidth(lineStr, tabsize), width)
c.lines = append(c.lines, make([]*Char, lineLength))
wrap := false
// We only need to wrap if the length of the line is greater than the width of the terminal screen
if softwrap && StringWidth(lineStr, tabsize) > width {
wrap = true
// We're going to draw the entire line now
lineLength = StringWidth(lineStr, tabsize)
for viewCol < lineLength {
if colN >= len(line) {
char := line[colN]
if viewCol >= 0 {
st := curStyle
if colN == matchingBrace.X && lineN == matchingBrace.Y && !buf.Cursor.HasSelection() {
st = curStyle.Reverse(true)
if viewCol < len(c.lines[viewLine]) {
c.lines[viewLine][viewCol] = &Char{Loc{viewCol, viewLine}, Loc{colN, lineN}, char, char, st, 1}
if char == '\t' {
charWidth := tabsize - (viewCol+left)%tabsize
if viewCol >= 0 {
c.lines[viewLine][viewCol].drawChar = indentchar
c.lines[viewLine][viewCol].width = charWidth
indentStyle := curStyle
ch := buf.Settings["indentchar"].(string)
if group, ok := colorscheme["indent-char"]; ok && !IsStrWhitespace(ch) && ch != "" {
indentStyle = group
c.lines[viewLine][viewCol].style = indentStyle
for i := 1; i < charWidth; i++ {
if viewCol >= 0 && viewCol < lineLength && viewCol < len(c.lines[viewLine]) {
c.lines[viewLine][viewCol] = &Char{Loc{viewCol, viewLine}, Loc{colN, lineN}, char, ' ', curStyle, 1}
} else if runewidth.RuneWidth(char) > 1 {
charWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(char)
if viewCol >= 0 {
c.lines[viewLine][viewCol].width = charWidth
for i := 1; i < charWidth; i++ {
if viewCol >= 0 && viewCol < lineLength && viewCol < len(c.lines[viewLine]) {
c.lines[viewLine][viewCol] = &Char{Loc{viewCol, viewLine}, Loc{colN, lineN}, char, ' ', curStyle, 1}
} else {
if wrap && viewCol >= width {
// If we go too far soft wrapping we have to cut off
if viewLine >= height {
nextLine := line[colN:]
lineLength := min(StringWidth(string(nextLine), tabsize), width)
c.lines = append(c.lines, make([]*Char, lineLength))
viewCol = 0
// newline