
385 lines
8.1 KiB

package femto
import (
const LargeFileThreshold = 50000
var (
// 0 - no line type detected
// 1 - lf detected
// 2 - crlf detected
fileformat = 0
// Buffer stores the text for files that are loaded into the text editor
// It uses a rope to efficiently store the string and contains some
// simple functions for saving and wrapper functions for modifying the rope
type Buffer struct {
// The eventhandler for undo/redo
// This stores all the text in the buffer as an array of lines
// The path to the loaded file, if any
Path string
Cursor Cursor
cursors []*Cursor // for multiple cursors
curCursor int // the current cursor
// Name of the buffer on the status line
name string
// Whether or not the buffer has been modified since it was opened
IsModified bool
// NumLines is the number of lines in the buffer
NumLines int
// Hash of the original buffer -- empty if fastdirty is on
origHash [md5.Size]byte
// Buffer local settings
Settings map[string]interface{}
// NewBufferFromString creates a new buffer containing the given string
func NewBufferFromString(text, path string) *Buffer {
return NewBuffer(strings.NewReader(text), int64(len(text)), path, nil)
// NewBuffer creates a new buffer from a given reader
func NewBuffer(reader io.Reader, size int64, path string, cursorPosition []string) *Buffer {
b := new(Buffer)
b.LineArray = NewLineArray(size, reader)
b.Settings = DefaultLocalSettings()
// for k, v := range globalSettings {
// if _, ok := b.Settings[k]; ok {
// b.Settings[k] = v
// }
// }
if fileformat == 1 {
b.Settings["fileformat"] = "unix"
} else if fileformat == 2 {
b.Settings["fileformat"] = "dos"
b.Path = path
b.EventHandler = NewEventHandler(b)
b.Cursor = Cursor{
Loc: Loc{0, 0},
buf: b,
if !b.Settings["fastdirty"].(bool) {
if size > LargeFileThreshold {
// If the file is larger than a megabyte fastdirty needs to be on
b.Settings["fastdirty"] = true
} else {
calcHash(b, &b.origHash)
b.cursors = []*Cursor{&b.Cursor}
return b
// GetName returns the name that should be displayed in the statusline
// for this buffer
func (b *Buffer) GetName() string {
// FileType returns the buffer's filetype
func (b *Buffer) FileType() string {
return b.Settings["filetype"].(string)
// IndentString returns a string representing one level of indentation
func (b *Buffer) IndentString() string {
if b.Settings["tabstospaces"].(bool) {
return Spaces(int(b.Settings["tabsize"].(float64)))
return "\t"
// Update fetches the string from the rope and updates the `text` and `lines` in the buffer
func (b *Buffer) update() {
b.NumLines = len(b.lines)
// MergeCursors merges any cursors that are at the same position
// into one cursor
func (b *Buffer) MergeCursors() {
var cursors []*Cursor
for i := 0; i < len(b.cursors); i++ {
c1 := b.cursors[i]
if c1 != nil {
for j := 0; j < len(b.cursors); j++ {
c2 := b.cursors[j]
if c2 != nil && i != j && c1.Loc == c2.Loc {
b.cursors[j] = nil
cursors = append(cursors, c1)
b.cursors = cursors
for i := range b.cursors {
b.cursors[i].Num = i
if b.curCursor >= len(b.cursors) {
b.curCursor = len(b.cursors) - 1
// UpdateCursors updates all the cursors indicies
func (b *Buffer) UpdateCursors() {
for i, c := range b.cursors {
c.Num = i
// calcHash calculates md5 hash of all lines in the buffer
func calcHash(b *Buffer, out *[md5.Size]byte) {
h := md5.New()
if len(b.lines) > 0 {
for _, l := range b.lines[1:] {
// Modified returns if this buffer has been modified since
// being opened
func (b *Buffer) Modified() bool {
if b.Settings["fastdirty"].(bool) {
return b.IsModified
var buff [md5.Size]byte
calcHash(b, &buff)
return buff != b.origHash
func (b *Buffer) insert(pos Loc, value []byte) {
b.IsModified = true
b.LineArray.insert(pos, value)
func (b *Buffer) remove(start, end Loc) string {
b.IsModified = true
sub := b.LineArray.remove(start, end)
return sub
func (b *Buffer) deleteToEnd(start Loc) {
b.IsModified = true
// Start returns the location of the first character in the buffer
func (b *Buffer) Start() Loc {
return Loc{0, 0}
// End returns the location of the last character in the buffer
func (b *Buffer) End() Loc {
return Loc{utf8.RuneCount(b.lines[b.NumLines-1].data), b.NumLines - 1}
// RuneAt returns the rune at a given location in the buffer
func (b *Buffer) RuneAt(loc Loc) rune {
line := b.LineRunes(loc.Y)
if len(line) > 0 {
return line[loc.X]
return '\n'
// LineBytes returns a single line as an array of runes
func (b *Buffer) LineBytes(n int) []byte {
if n >= len(b.lines) {
return []byte{}
return b.lines[n].data
// LineRunes returns a single line as an array of runes
func (b *Buffer) LineRunes(n int) []rune {
if n >= len(b.lines) {
return []rune{}
return toRunes(b.lines[n].data)
// Line returns a single line
func (b *Buffer) Line(n int) string {
if n >= len(b.lines) {
return ""
return string(b.lines[n].data)
// LinesNum returns the number of lines in the buffer
func (b *Buffer) LinesNum() int {
return len(b.lines)
// Lines returns an array of strings containing the lines from start to end
func (b *Buffer) Lines(start, end int) []string {
lines := b.lines[start:end]
var slice []string
for _, line := range lines {
slice = append(slice, string(
return slice
// Len gives the length of the buffer
func (b *Buffer) Len() (n int) {
for _, l := range b.lines {
n += utf8.RuneCount(
if len(b.lines) > 1 {
n += len(b.lines) - 1 // account for newlines
// MoveLinesUp moves the range of lines up one row
func (b *Buffer) MoveLinesUp(start int, end int) {
// 0 < start < end <= len(b.lines)
if start < 1 || start >= end || end > len(b.lines) {
return // what to do? FIXME
if end == len(b.lines) {
end - 1,
} else {
Loc{0, end},
Loc{0, start - 1},
Loc{0, start},
// MoveLinesDown moves the range of lines down one row
func (b *Buffer) MoveLinesDown(start int, end int) {
// 0 <= start < end < len(b.lines)
// if end == len(b.lines), we can't do anything here because the
// last line is unaccessible, FIXME
if start < 0 || start >= end || end >= len(b.lines)-1 {
return // what to do? FIXME
Loc{0, start},
Loc{0, end},
Loc{0, end + 1},
func (b *Buffer) clearCursors() {
for i := 1; i < len(b.cursors); i++ {
b.cursors[i] = nil
b.cursors = b.cursors[:1]
var bracePairs = [][2]rune{
{'(', ')'},
{'{', '}'},
{'[', ']'},
// FindMatchingBrace returns the location in the buffer of the matching bracket
// It is given a brace type containing the open and closing character, (for example
// '{' and '}') as well as the location to match from
func (b *Buffer) FindMatchingBrace(braceType [2]rune, start Loc) Loc {
curLine := b.LineRunes(start.Y)
startChar := curLine[start.X]
var i int
if startChar == braceType[0] {
for y := start.Y; y < b.NumLines; y++ {
l := b.LineRunes(y)
xInit := 0
if y == start.Y {
xInit = start.X
for x := xInit; x < len(l); x++ {
r := l[x]
if r == braceType[0] {
} else if r == braceType[1] {
if i == 0 {
return Loc{x, y}
} else if startChar == braceType[1] {
for y := start.Y; y >= 0; y-- {
l := []rune(string(b.lines[y].data))
xInit := len(l) - 1
if y == start.Y {
xInit = start.X
for x := xInit; x >= 0; x-- {
r := l[x]
if r == braceType[0] {
if i == 0 {
return Loc{x, y}
} else if r == braceType[1] {
return start