
169 lines
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package discordutil
import (
// SortMessagesByTimestamp sorts all messages in the given array according to
// their creation date.
func SortMessagesByTimestamp(messages []*discordgo.Message) {
sort.Slice(messages, func(a, b int) bool {
timeA, parseError := messages[a].Timestamp.Parse()
if parseError != nil {
return false
timeB, parseError := messages[b].Timestamp.Parse()
if parseError != nil {
return true
return timeA.Before(timeB)
// GetPrivateChannelNameUnescaped generates a name for a private channel.
// The name won't be escaped view tviewutil and therefore shouldn't be used
// for displaying it in tview components.
func GetPrivateChannelNameUnescaped(channel *discordgo.Channel) string {
var channelName string
if channel.Type == discordgo.ChannelTypeDM {
//The first recipient should always be us!
channelName = channel.Recipients[0].Username
//Since the official client doesn't seem to allow creating nicks for
//simple DMs, we assume it isn't possible.
} else if channel.Type == discordgo.ChannelTypeGroupDM {
//Groups can have custom names.
if channel.Name != "" {
channelName = channel.Name
} else {
//Channels can have nicknames, but if they don't the default discord
//client just displays the recipients names sticked together.
for index, recipient := range channel.Recipients {
if index == 0 {
channelName = recipient.Username
} else {
channelName = fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", channelName, recipient.Username)
//This is a fallback, so we don't have an empty string.
//This happens sometimes, I am unsure when though.
if channelName == "" {
channelName = "Unnamed"
return channelName
// GetPrivateChannelName generates a name for a private channel.
func GetPrivateChannelName(channel *discordgo.Channel) string {
return tviewutil.Escape(GetPrivateChannelNameUnescaped(channel))
// FindDMChannelWithUser tries to find a DM channel with the specified user as
// one of its two recipients. If no channel is found, nil is returned.
func FindDMChannelWithUser(state *discordgo.State, userID string) *discordgo.Channel {
for _, privateChannel := range state.PrivateChannels {
if privateChannel.Type == discordgo.ChannelTypeDM {
for _, recipient := range privateChannel.Recipients {
if recipient.ID == userID {
return privateChannel
return nil
// CompareChannels checks which channel is smaller. Smaller meaning it is the
// one with the more recent message.
func CompareChannels(a, b *discordgo.Channel) bool {
messageA, parseError := strconv.ParseInt(a.LastMessageID, 10, 64)
if parseError != nil {
return false
messageB, parseError := strconv.ParseInt(b.LastMessageID, 10, 64)
if parseError != nil {
return true
return messageA > messageB
// SortPrivateChannels sorts private channels depending on their last message.
func SortPrivateChannels(channels []*discordgo.Channel) {
sort.Slice(channels, func(a, b int) bool {
return CompareChannels(channels[a], channels[b])
// HasReadMessagesPermission checks if the user has permission to view a
// specific channel.
func HasReadMessagesPermission(channelID string, state *discordgo.State) bool {
userPermissions, err := state.UserChannelPermissions(state.User.ID, channelID)
if err != nil {
// Unable to access channel permissions.
return false
return (userPermissions & discordgo.PermissionViewChannel) > 0
// AcknowledgeChannel acknowledges all messages in the given channel. If the
// channel is a category, all children will be acknowledged.
func AcknowledgeChannel(session *discordgo.Session, channelID string) error {
channel, stateError := session.State.Channel(channelID)
if stateError != nil {
return stateError
//Bulk-Acknowledge of categories
if channel.Type == discordgo.ChannelTypeGuildCategory {
guild, stateError := session.State.Guild(channel.GuildID)
if stateError != nil {
return stateError
var channelsToAck []*discordgo.Channel
for _, guildChannel := range guild.Channels {
if guildChannel.ParentID != channel.ID {
//These can't have messages. Store is dead anyways, so we needn't handle it.
if guildChannel.Type == discordgo.ChannelTypeGuildVoice {
if guildChannel.LastMessageID == "" || readstate.HasBeenRead(guildChannel, guildChannel.LastMessageID) {
channelsToAck = append(channelsToAck, guildChannel)
if len(channelsToAck) > 0 {
ackError := session.BulkChannelMessageAck(channelsToAck)
return ackError
} else {
if channel.LastMessageID != "" && !readstate.HasBeenRead(channel, channel.LastMessageID) {
_, ackError := session.ChannelMessageAck(channel.ID, channel.LastMessageID, "")
return ackError
return nil