
325 lines
9.6 KiB

package commandimpls
import (
const (
userHelpPage = `[::b]NAME
user - manipulate and retrieve your user information
[::b]user <command>
This command allows you to manipulate and retrieve your user information.
This command is split into multiple subcommands. The default subcommand
is [::b]user-get[::-] and will be used if no other command was supplied.
[::b]user-get (default)
prints the current user information
updates the current user information`
userSetHelpPage = `[::b]NAME
user-set - updates your accounts user information
[::b]user-set[::-] [OPTION[]...
This command allows you to set all or single values of your user
information. Every value has a specific parameter and you'll always
be asked for your password when trying to change any data.
[::b]-n, --name
change your nickname
[::b]-e, --email
change the e-mail address associated with your account
[::b]-a, --avatar
change your avatar to a new local file of yours
[::b]-np, --new-password
changes the password you use to log in to your account
[gray]$ user-set -n "My new nickname"
[gray]$ user-set -n NewName
[gray]$ user-set -n NewName -a /home/pics/avatar.png`
userGetHelpPage = `[::b]NAME
user-get - prints your accounts user information
[::b]user-get[::-] [OPTION[]...
This command prints your accounts user information to the
commandline in a human readable format. If no options were
supplied, then "-n", "-e" and "-a" are chosen as the default
[::b]-n, --name
Prints nickname and discriminator
[::b]-e, --email
Prints your e-mail address
[::b]-a, --avatar
Prints the URL of your avatar
[::b]-t, --tfa
Prints whether you have two-factor authentication enabled
[gray]$ user
Nick: Example#1234
[gray]$ user -a
type UserCmd struct {
userSetCmd *UserSetCmd
userGetCmd *UserGetCmd
type UserSetCmd struct {
window *ui.Window
session *discordgo.Session
type UserGetCmd struct {
window *ui.Window
session *discordgo.Session
func NewUserCommand(userSetCmd *UserSetCmd, userGetCmd *UserGetCmd) *UserCmd {
return &UserCmd{userSetCmd, userGetCmd}
func NewUserSetCommand(window *ui.Window, session *discordgo.Session) *UserSetCmd {
return &UserSetCmd{window, session}
func NewUserGetCommand(window *ui.Window, session *discordgo.Session) *UserGetCmd {
return &UserGetCmd{window, session}
func (cmd *UserCmd) Execute(writer io.Writer, parameters []string) {
if len(parameters) >= 1 {
if parameters[0] == "set" || parameters[0] == "update" {
cmd.userSetCmd.Execute(writer, parameters[1:])
} else if parameters[0] == "get" {
cmd.userGetCmd.Execute(writer, parameters[1:])
} else {
cmd.userGetCmd.Execute(writer, parameters)
} else {
cmd.userGetCmd.Execute(writer, parameters)
func (cmd *UserGetCmd) Execute(writer io.Writer, parameters []string) {
if len(parameters) == 0 {
//Calling get with defaults
cmd.Execute(writer, []string{"-n", "-e", "-a"})
} else {
userInformation := ""
for _, param := range parameters {
switch param {
case "-n", "--name", "--nick", "-u", "--username":
userInformation += fmt.Sprintf("Nick: %s#%s\n", cmd.session.State.User.Username, cmd.session.State.User.Discriminator)
case "-e", "--email", "--e-mail", "--mail":
userInformation += fmt.Sprintf("E-Mail: %s\n", cmd.session.State.User.Email)
case "-a", "--avatar", "--profile-picture":
// FIXME Potential bug if jpeg is uploaded?
userInformation += fmt.Sprintf("Avatar:\n", cmd.session.State.User.ID, cmd.session.State.User.Avatar)
case "-m", "--mfa", "--tfa", "--2fa":
userInformation += fmt.Sprintf("Two-Factor Authentication : %v\n", cmd.session.State.User.MFAEnabled)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]Invalid parameter '%s'\n", param)
fmt.Fprint(writer, userInformation)
func (cmd *UserSetCmd) Execute(writer io.Writer, parameters []string) {
if cmd.session.State.User.Bot {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "[red]This command can't be used by bots due to Discord API restrictions.")
var newName, newEmail string
newAvatar := cmd.session.State.User.Avatar
var askForNewPassword bool
for index, param := range parameters {
switch param {
case "-n", "--name", "--nick", "-u", "--username":
if index != len(parameters)-1 {
newName = parameters[index+1]
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]Error, you didn't supply a new name.")
case "-e", "--email", "--e-mail", "--mail":
if index != len(parameters)-1 {
newEmail = parameters[index+1]
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]Error, you didn't supply a new e-mail address.")
case "-a", "--avatar", "--profile-picture":
if index != len(parameters)-1 && !strings.HasPrefix(parameters[index+1], "-") {
newAvatar = parameters[index+1]
} else {
newAvatar = ""
case "--new-password", "-np":
askForNewPassword = true
if newName == "" && !askForNewPassword && newEmail == "" && newAvatar == cmd.session.State.User.Avatar {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]No valid parameters were supplied.")
if newName != "" {
newName = discordemojimap.Replace(strings.TrimSpace(newName))
if newEmail != "" {
newEmail = strings.TrimSpace(newEmail)
if newAvatar != "" && newAvatar != cmd.session.State.User.Avatar {
newAvatar = strings.TrimSpace(newAvatar)
var resolvedPath string
if strings.HasPrefix(newAvatar, "~") {
currentUser, userResolveError := user.Current()
if userResolveError != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]Error resolving path:\n\t["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]%s\n", userResolveError.Error())
resolvedPath = filepath.Join(currentUser.HomeDir, strings.TrimPrefix(newAvatar, "~"))
} else {
resolvedPath = newAvatar
resolvedPath, resolveError := filepath.EvalSymlinks(resolvedPath)
if resolveError != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]Error resolving path:\n\t["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]%s\n", resolveError.Error())
isAbs := filepath.IsAbs(resolvedPath)
if !isAbs {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]Error reading file:\n\t["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]the path is not absolute")
data, readError := ioutil.ReadFile(resolvedPath)
if readError != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]Error reading file:\n\t["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]%s\n", readError.Error())
contentType := http.DetectContentType(data)
newAvatar = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(data)
if contentType != "image/png" && contentType != "image/jpeg" && contentType != "image/gif" {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]Error updating avatar:\n\r["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]content type '%s' not supported", contentType)
newAvatar = fmt.Sprintf("data:%s;base64,%s", contentType, newAvatar)
var newPassword string
go func() {
if askForNewPassword {
newPassword = cmd.window.PromptSecretInput("Updating your user information", "Please enter your new password.")
newPasswordConfirmation := cmd.window.PromptSecretInput("Updating your user information", "Please enter your new password again, to make sure it is correct.")
if newPassword != newPasswordConfirmation {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]Error, new passwords differ from each other, please try again.")
currentPassword := cmd.window.PromptSecretInput("Updating your user information", "Please enter your current password.")
if currentPassword == "" {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]Empty password, aborting.")
} else {
_, err := cmd.session.UserUpdate(newEmail, currentPassword, newName, newAvatar, newPassword)
if err == nil {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "Your user has been updated.")
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, err)
func (cmd *UserCmd) PrintHelp(writer io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, userHelpPage)
func (cmd *UserSetCmd) PrintHelp(writer io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, userSetHelpPage)
func (cmd *UserGetCmd) PrintHelp(writer io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, userGetHelpPage)
func (cmd *UserCmd) Name() string {
return "user"
func (cmd *UserSetCmd) Name() string {
return "user-set"
func (cmd *UserGetCmd) Name() string {
return "user-get"
func (cmd *UserCmd) Aliases() []string {
return nil
func (cmd *UserSetCmd) Aliases() []string {
return []string{"user-update"}
func (cmd *UserGetCmd) Aliases() []string {
return nil